Well guess what??? Wouldn't you just know it I have something that can help with that 🤯!!

If you are a product based business or brand and want help on trying to figure out how to wholesale your range?

Wouldn't it be great if you could grow and manage your Wholesale Sales without the stress?

If you want to get your product stocked in the best Retail stores and be confident approaching buyers then read on.

If you want to know what to send buyers in an email (or snail mail) or even how to set up your catalogue or order form?

If you want to be confident your pricing is accurate and you are offering stores the right margins (whilst you are still making enough $ at the same time) then this could be the solution for you.

If you are looking for confidence in how you approach buyers and know you are giving them all the right information so they can place orders quickly and easily then this program could be very helpful indeed!
If you are trying to fully understand what expectations the buyers have then you might want to hear directly from the retailers themselves..

Sick of trying to figure everything out on your own?

Does any of this sound familiar?

These are just some of the things you need to think about when you are running your own brand.

With trade shows down for the count again (another covid victim) there is even more importance of getting your wholesale strategy sorted.

Buyers are building up for a potentially big retail season after being hit hard by store closures and lockdowns.
They need to hear from you, not for that hard sale but they need your help to discover you.
They are keen to see new ranges, new brands and want to know you are prepared and can answer their pressing queries (you know about minimums, t and c's , reorders, deposits etc….)

Is you head spinning with what to do first? 
And you just want someone who has industry experience to guide you then look no further.
no more cold calling, mass emailing, begging for someone to buy your product.  if you are wearing all the hats, trying to figure out catalogues/lookbooks, trade shows... then read on👇🏼.

I'M here to help  you make WHOLESALE A STRONG REVENUE STREAm.

Have all your admin automated so you don't miss another potential lead.

Have stockists that send you repeat orders regularly.

Have stockists knocking on your door.


You make your product, send emails to buyers and then nothing.  Nada.  Crickets......
I know I get it .  It is so frustrating.
After 20 years in the wholesale game in either kids wear, beauty, homewares or fashion I have seen it all.
I have tried and tested many different techniques.

I have been a Retail buyer as well so have been on the other side of the fence too. 
I get what is important when trying to sell your products and build Wholesale as an important cog in your revenue. 

What we cover in this program means you do not need to go through 20 years of  practice before figuring it out!!



Make sure wholesale is a strong income stream for you.

Introducing the Wholesale program

The importance of strong stockist relationships and why LTV is a underrated!.

How to structure your range and showcase it to increase those order sizes!!

How to approach buyers,  write your pitch emails, postcards or make those phone calls in a way that buyers love!!

We look at your planning.  Approaching sales so you have automations and tasks are not repeated unneccasarily.

How to present your product in the best way to buyers and what to consider.  We talk POS, displays as well as sales catalogues.

How to price your product for profit.  No more guessing.  We get clear on exactly what your pricing should look like and what to include.


What we have is a 4 week self paced coaching program where you get to learn everything you ever wanted to know about wholesale. 
At the end of this you will have a Sales strategy, plan, goals, targets and understanding of how to make wholesale a really strong income in your business. 
And best of all confidence in yourself, your systems and your products!!!

I want to joIn 
the course

Want to feel confident working with buyers (large and small) and know you have the right information to offer them.


 I am devouring the content, and love it! :) I feel like I have this amazing opportunity to get this right from the ground up! Thank you so much!!

best money I spent all year on my business!! 

Lizzie, Urban Fable

Thank you Mel, for delivering an outstanding wholesale program that has helped us to set up our business for wholesale success. The information, advice and follow up assistance you provided was incredible. I would highly recommend the program to anyone who wants to grow their wholesale side of the business but is unsure where and how to start. You will definitely have all the answers by the end of the program!

you will definitely have all the answers by the end of the program!!

- Felicity- ink spiller home 

 I felt SO much more confident dealing with her than I would have had I tried to tackle it without the course knowledge. In fact I cringe thinking about how it might have gone had the 'precourse' me' handled it!.
The Wholesale Group program gives you everything you need to confidently step into the wholesaling world. From numbers to sales pitches to POS and marketing materials, it covers everything you wondered about but weren't sure of, plus a whole lot of information that is crucial to success but you may not have even considered.

I got my first stockist shortly after completing the course!

what others are saying!


I can come back to it again and again as I need to. My confidence in taking my business into this new phase is so much higher than it was and it doesn’t seem so scary. The course is fabulous.....do it!

Mel is generous, warm, clever and so experienced. The course is detailed and easy to understand with so much content!

I would absolutely recommend and it is 100% value for money.  I am so excited and look forward to watching the program again to pick up on the smaller things I missed this time round.  Seriously do not think twice about it. The program has been invaluable.

An invaluable program that has helped streamline my wholesale operations, build my wholesale business and grow my confidence.

- Katie- Kindor HOmewares.

- Alexandra Strong ART

The program has been essential in me beginning to wholesale my art prints. This was the first online course of its kind I have invested in and it has been well worth it! I already have several wholesalers and it helped me pave the way and avoid mistakes which I 100% would have made without doing the course! As a busy mum it was great being able to re watch the content and take notes etc... best money I spent all year on my business!! 

Your course is so rich in valuable information!!

Kirsten, Bettyquette

Thank you Mel, for delivering an outstanding wholesale program that has helped us to set up our business for wholesale success. The information, advice and follow up assistance you provided was incredible. I would highly recommend the program to anyone who wants to grow their wholesale side of the business but is unsure where and how to start. You will definitely have all the answers by the end of the program!

It's an excellent investment in your business. The program is fantastic value for money and the resources are so helpful.

the reviews

What you get...
-Confidence in. your brand and position in the market place.
- A solid plan on how to approach stores and a kickass catalogue and email sequence to approach stores with.
-There are 4 weeks x  1-1.5 hour modules.
-Product (pricing, preparation, packaging).
-Sales (the what, why and how of actually getting sales aand your product on shelves)
-Marketing (how to build your leads list, access to templates and email scripts) and
-Building long term relationships with buyers.  
- Pricing spreadsheet that will 🤯blow your mind (that is what one of the previous students said!). 
- Templates for tracking target stockists, new stockists and more.
- 4 workbooks to complete and homework in between also.
-12 months access to the program so you get updates or opportunity to cement learning by repeating if desired.

Getting your brand wholesale ready, all your sales and marketing material sorted, your messaging spot on and how to search, source and secure new stockists.
We will cover range planning, seasonal vs indent and break even analysis. Sales language to use and how to write that perfect pitch email.  

Oh, and let's not forget the bonuses...
Bonus #1:  15 catalogue templates and email examples of successful Wholesale brands. 
Bonus #2: Hear from not 1 but 2 Guest Retail speakers talking about buyers perspective.  These are buyers of some of Australia's most popular stores!   You get their straight talk on staying in touch and getting into stores.
Bonus #3: Access to How To use Faire and ways other brands are finding success with this avenue.

Access to my new 3 part series TRADE SHOW BOOTCAMP.  Make sure you are Trade show ready by running through the essentials  to trade shows.  We cover the preparation (before the show), maximise success (the during the show) and the all important follow up (after the show).  

Ready to learn?
Discover how to wholesale your brand so that you can grow your sales!

This is the nitty gritty 👇🏼


We cover it all in here.  All the preparation to make sure your product is Retail Ready.

How to calculate your costs and profitability. 
Making sure your margins are right is essential to actually making a profit.

What and Why and How of POS and packaging for resell.

What it means to be Retail Ready.

Product Preparation- Pricing, Packaging, POS and Presentation


Understanding the sales tools you need, the systems that will help you automate. Using your own website, other Wholesale marketplaces.
We dive into how to target stores, segment your lists,  pitch your brand to buyers, write that email and more!!!
This is where we really get detailed and specific about your catalogues too!
We dive into how to set up your catalogue, the exact template for a perfect pitch email and how also to capture warm leads come in your way with automations and systems.
We will review starter packs, drop shipping and freight and logistics.

Sales Strategy
and Planning ahead.  


Understanding who and how  to approach buyers.
What is best  approach for you target market?
How do you ensure every opportunity is taken and ran with!
We will cover how to pitch in person,  using good old fashioned snail mail (yes physical can be good!),  if and when or do you need to cold call stores.
How to allocate the time and space in your business for it.
We will cover what you need in your Sales and Marketing strategies.
Incoming leads vs outgoing strategies.
Hear from 2 Guest expert buyers about how they buy.

Marketing your product.


Ok so you have an order from the store of your dreams.
Now what!
We will cover all the required information to ensure you have a strong relationship with your stockists, how to work with the buyers over not just months but years (and the importance of customer LTV). The best way to support your stores and MUST DO's if you want loyalty.
We will make sure reorders are par for the course.  
We also cover pros and cons of trade shows, sales agents and distributors.  The logistics required for distribution and exporting.

Relationship Building for Long Term Growth.




the breakdown of  topics

the best way to ensure you are ready to start wholesaling!

It's an excellent investment in your business.
The program is fantastic value for money and the resources are so helpful.

I am so glad I did the program, it has really helped highlight areas I need to work on and how to fixes past issues I was unclear on how to solve. Very useful for setting your business up for selling to wholesale. 

The program was a great way to introduce how to set up a Wholesale Revenue Stream within your business. The practical tools helped to structure how to price your products accurately and how to manage your Wholesale Customers better.

Definitely do it. It is such a great resource that you can come back to again and again. Mel is so generous in her time and thoughts and even at the end of the course it doesn’t feel like that is it - I feel like she would always be happy to answer a question.

Do not think twice about it. The program has been invaluable. It is Applicable. Practical. Invaluable!

when asked what would you say to others thinking about the program?

Want to know why I am qualified for this gig? 
25 years of experience (yes 😬 I am getting on).
Brief background for you:
Former Teacher (High School Science and Maths - not really relevant🤣).
Former Lecturer in Fashion Business (highly relevant).
Started and built my own brand over 15 years. (Wholesaled it for 15 years).
Had my own Retail store and was buyer for 10 years. 
Worked as National Sales Manager for accessories brand.
Worked with over 150 brands in the creative industries in past 3 years.
Exhibited at over 50 trade shows in Australia, New Zealand, USA and Europe.
And have a passion for helping brands, and those in the creative industries of homewares, fashion, interiors, jewellery, beauty and much much more!!!

i’m melissa. retailer and brand builder turned business coach



frequently asked

Yes it is!! This will give you the confidence to contact buyers and Retailers and in turn give you better conversion rates for everyone you contact also.

Absolutely.  We will go over all the different types of selling and pros and cons. We will review what would work best for your type of product and range offering.

I have worked with all types of products from homewares, fashion, candles, ceramics, art, beauty, toys and specialty pet products.  We cover everything in between in regards to how to get into stores, how to manage the processes you need to service your stockists to making sure your long term relationships are strong and they are constantly re-ordering!

You bet I can!! It is all about knowing how to approach stores in the right way and having the right information to give them.  We need to remove barriers to the buyers actually placing orders and also making sure that the LTV of your stockists gets better and better all the time.

I have worked with multiple brands in the lifestyle, homewars, fashion and design industries in this exact area.  I have been a National Wholesale Sales Manager in Australia and NZ working with 100's of retail buyer, department store buyers and international distributors.  I grew my own brand to over 1000 stockists worldwide with multi 7 figure sales turnover.

100%. What we focus on in here is everything to do with managing those stockists you already have and handling all incoming leads also. We also look at CRM and how to build on the LTV of a store. Don't know what these terms mean? Never fear it is all included!! If you have been wholesaling for over 10 years though and think you know most things then maybe this is not for you!

Each module is between 1-1.5 hours (4 modules). And you will work through the workbooks between each session.  You will get 12 months access to the course.

If you complete all the course material and show proof of completion of workbooks and are still not satisfied then you can get a full refund within 7 days.  See T & C's.

100% Money Back Guarantee


You get a full range and personalised pricing review and website review included.
1 on 1 business coaching plus
range and website review
select add on at checkout.

BONUS 2 hours 
 1 on 1 coaching




Full payment up front.
No more to pay.
save $105 pay in full.
Faire and Guest speakers Masterclass 
+ Trade Show Bootcamp 3 part series

USD Pay in FULL SAving



The  Plan

 to get started.
Followed by 3 more weekly payments of $255
Faire and Guest speakers Masterclass 
+ Trade Show Bootcamp 3 part series

get started with only $255 usd x 4 payments




Ready to Begin?

most popular!

Rachel DIaz-Bastin _art

The Wholesale Group Program really helped me get a better grasp on the numbers behind wholesaling, and which products and stores to put my focus and energy into. It's also helped me streamline my process and make everything more professional, which has given me the confidence to go out into the world and find some fabulous new stockists!

definitely do it! It will help you get all your wholesaling ducks in a row!  To describe the program in 3 words I would say professional, engaging, thorough.

Leela , SOlart GALLERY

Its a fantastic insight into wholesale with great experience to help set you up for success right now and for the future.  Thank you so much Mel!!!

So super helpful - really took me from 1 to 10! 
It was Insightful, Informative, Colourful.


I have such a clearer understanding of what to do now and feel confident in approaching new stockists. Thanks Melissa!

It's so great to be guided by an expert in the field, the files shared were so valuable and I have learnt so much. 

what others are saying!