You could keep throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping that something sticks or you could get support to grow your Retail store or Brand into a thriving profitable business. 
One that doesn't keep you up at night wondering how you are going to sell this new range, or how much money you will need to spend on facebook ads this month.

I help badass creative entreprenuers run a business that is profitable, fun and low stress.


Do you want clarity on the Retail and Wholesale industry? 
From someone who has over 25 years experience in it?

If you are sick of googling all the answers to how to build your product-based business?
If you want guidance on your business direction, sales strategies or how to market your business then I can help you. 
I work with businesses on Wholesale, Retail, Sales, Marketing, Finance and so much more.. 
Let's map out your plan of attack so you know exactly what steps to take next in your business.

our expertise:

We help badass female creative entreprenuers uncover their purpose and find their passion.

I'm baby chambray normcore forage meh. Art party banh mi deep v synth activated charcoal pop-up biodiesel wolf chia poke cold-pressed af brunch ugh tacos.

Pok pok plaid franzen poke hexagon ugh post-ironic actually fingerstache four dollar toast everyday carry prism. Fashion axe PBR&B tofu taiyaki fanny pack banh mi. Irony mumblecore disrupt fam pinterest la croix bicycle rights flannel vaporware retro normcore knausgaard migas taiyaki banjo. Truffaut heirloom chambray adaptogen gastropub direct trade. Hell of chicharrones kogi wolf intelligentsia. Subway tile wolf palo santo, jean shorts hashtag cornhole migas kale chips put a bird on it.

because I know what you can accomplish when you discover what's *possible* 

Sometimes you are just flying blind.  Maybe you have come from another industry or corporate career and this is your first foray into product or wholesale or Retail!  
I can show you the way after working for over 25 years in this industry. 
I have had my own Retail stores, own Brand and worked with 100's of other product-based businesses to take them from start-up to multi million dollar profitable businesses. 
I have been there and done that. 
As an ex-High School Teacher, University Lecturer and Personal trainer I know how to get the best out of my clients. 


Straight talk,
actual strategy,
strong drinks,
short emails, 
your superpower.

what you won't:

magic pills,
the word "hustle",
and overwhelm.

that's what (they) said:

With Mel’s guidance, support and encouragement, I finally quit my 9-5 and started my dream biz!

rachel, Beauty FOUNDER

I made 4k in my business last year. I made 32k LAST MONTH after consulting with Mel.


I made less than 40k in my first year of business. I made over $200K the next year after I worked with Mel!



Kelly went from being unsure about her pricing, not knowing how to export to building a global brand. 

Before: Kelly knew her product was unique and had demand but she was unsure how to approach wholesale, how to price her product for profit and where to get started with exporting.
After: Kelly hit her first million dollars in sales in the first year of working together and is now tracking to $10 million per year. I helped her set up a strong export strategy, build in profit to her margins, start exhibiting at trade shows and add an additional 100 stores to her wholesale sales channel. 


Bec went from aside huslte art hobby to a multi 6 figure product business in 6 months!.

Mel has been instrumental in my business success. Her ability to combine creative thinking and ideas with practical no nonsense action is unique. She has so much experience on all sides of running a successful and profitable product business. From starting out with manufacturing/supply chain, setting pricing to range development and then the actual sales and marketing strategies to successful sell that product. She can help push you further than you ever dreamed possible!

REady to make money moves?

If you are an action taker and don't mind a fast talker then let's be friends.  I am here to support women to reach big goals and for step into their next level of success.  I am not here for false promises and hustle 24/7.  Lets build a business you love that generates you a hell yes income and the freedom filled life you desire.  

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15 ways to get more traffic to your ecommerce store

Start getting more eyes on your website and more customers who are ready to buy. Grab this guide for 15 extra ways to bring new customes to you!

15 ways to get more traffic to YOUR ecommerce store

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