Now I know you know this but just in case….
YOU NEED TO SEND YOUR CUSTOMERS EMAILS!! The importance of building, nurturing and exciting your email list is undisputed. Some stats even say that email marketing has a 4400% ROI and is 10 x more effective than social media. Yes you read that 10 x (data from Campaign moniter).
It is the chance for you to build a relationship with your customer, drive traffic to your website (or specific products), you own it and it is almost free!!! Now that is winning.
So many brands and retailers I work with know they need to do it, but it gets left to last on the to do list and something they keep putting off or only doing when they have something to sell.
That ain’t no way to look after those lovely customers/clients who have given you their email. You have to service them and help them and provide value to them. Sending email newsletters should be fun and easy!!
One of my favourite brands I get emails from is Bed Threads .
They send out the most informative emails. Yes they sell in them occasionally but often it might just be some recipes for Heart warming Winter meals, or ways to Decorate a Rental property, or Where to travel by star sign.
They are fun and light and tap into their target markets interests and likes and passions outside of the products they sell. They are front of mind for me when I am buying bed linen and want my space to look like some of the inspiring house tours they also feature.
There are also no longer excuses about using technology when the availability now of email systems that are not only gorgeous but easy to use and not expensive (hello my friend Flodesk).
Check out some of these gorgeous templates from Flodesk.

Everyone I have shown these emails to are blown away by the gorgeous designs, simplicity of use and how they can plan and schedule them and also set up automations and workflows.
I have converted a number of my clients to this system as it is only $19 USD a month (with my affiliate link) for no limit on how many subscribers you have. It is still in beta so they are adding new things al the time. It connects to shopify easy peasy and all your subscribers automatically populate back into flodesk. Now to be clear that link is an affiliate link but believe me it is only because I love it that I recommend them!!
It connects to shopify, squarespace and other website hosts easily too.
Now that you know how to send them and why you should send them let’s talk about the content side of it.
I have included a link here to my 60 day free content calendar. This gives you ideas not only on what to post on your socials but also what you can include in your emails to customers.
To start you off have a really good think about who your customer is, what interests do they have, what problems are a part of their life right now (everyone is in different life stages right) and what inspires them?
Is it travel? Is it cooking or recipes? Are they big entertainers? Are they likely to have a young family? Do they need help with certain things?
Make some lists and start planning out each month or fortnights newsletters (these could also be start as your blog posts initially and then they form part of your email newsletter too).
These helpful and informative newsletters should come in between your promotional or sales emails.
A few tips.
1. Keep them concise – do not give me 10 bits of info or things that are happening in one email!! and then nothing for 3 months!!.
2. Keep them visually appealing (if you have imagery included). This is really important and helps entice your customers.
3. Have a CTA button on the newsletter. Whether it is to read your blog post or check out a product you have highlighted.
4. Share your story. People love a story and they love to know more about the people behind the brands or stores that they buy from.
5. Do not, I repeat do not worry about those who unsubscribe from your list. There are pelnty of people around you do not need to worry about those who are no longer interested. Maybe you are no longer a necessary part of their life or interests anymore or whatever. Move on and service those who are still with you.
6. Talk to people like you are chatting to a friend. Keep it friendly and light (unless you are corporate company in that case you probably are not on my blog anyway!!!) and entertaining.
An extra bonus I just created this template you can use to schedule or plan your content.

And one for just instagram too.

To get a pdf version use this link.
Now I have not even gotten into how to build that database here but will make sure I talk about that in upcoming posts.
If you want to know more about this and how to set up flodesk or how to establish a Marketing system for you business you can work with me 1 on 1 (link here) or I also have a new Membership for Retailers about to launch (yay!!). That is a super easy way to learn new skills each month to build your business, grow your business and love your business. You can check out more detail for that and join the waitlist here.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I only share about companies that I truly believe in.
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